
CRAFTATIC TUESDAY making ag posters with me TOYGIRL

You will need an american girl catouloge i am not using this one i am using a older one

something to cut like a cutting bored or scissors

glue and tape BOTH

cardstock i got a pack of 50 for a 4 dollars then another day to packs for 4 dollars and a penny!

STEP 1 pick the picture you want

cut it out

these are the ones i like

this card stock ITS PINK

place it on the paper and gule it in place

cut it out  when you cut it out remember to leave some space


If using cutting bored place it swipe

swipe it across till fully cut

make tape loops

like this then

ask a parent if you can hang it up on your wall or dolls wall AND YOUR DONE put it by your piggy bank so when you want to go buy something you remember you are saving up for an AG item OR you can pretend that it s a famous person to your dolls like molly is a famous skater DO WHAT YOU PLEASE HAPPY CRAFTING HAVE A GREAT DAY

1 comment:

Hi be nice. Be true don't be something that your not. Don't give out personal info like address city and phone number state/province country are fine names are fine but don't say your last name. Age is okay not birthday. Personal convos are fine but if it's more than five comments to someone I won't publish that's what gmail is for. Don't curse or talk about anything that would be rated R. This blog is rated H for happy! I must have these rules so my beautiful followers stay safe xxx-Sam//Toygirl02